Daily Brief - Friday 1st November, 2019


Man found in dump hit on head

Clare Anthony Alcala, the man found under a mattress at a dumping area at Penal last Thursday, suffered a fatal blow to his head.Police believe the killers hit Alcala with an object, then dumped the body at the site at Penal/Quinam Road. Up to Wednesday, they had not found the object nor arrested any suspects. Read more here

SORT raids PoS businessman’s home

Of­fi­cers at­tached to the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team are cur­rent­ly con­duct­ing a raid at the home of a well-known Port-of-Spain busi­ness­man. Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands that the of­fi­cers are cur­rent­ly search­ing the com­pound, which they en­tered short­ly af­ter 7.20 am Fri­day. The house is lo­cat­ed at the cor­ner of Flood Street, op­po­site Jack­son Square, St Clair. The of­fi­cers re­port­ed­ly gained en­trance to the heav­i­ly se­cured prop­er­ty from a side en­trance. Read more here



Le Hunte, Labour Ministry respond to OWTU: T&TEC trainees safe

The lives of On the Job (OJT) trainees assigned to T&TEC are not at risk, said Public Utilities Minister Robert Le Hunte. He told Newsday on Wednesday the comment of Oilfield Workers’ Trade Union vice president Peter Burke that the trainees were in danger was untrue. On Tuesday Burke said T&TEC management had recently given instructions to include OJT trainees in groups doing street light and power line repairs. Speaking at an emergency press conference, he said this move had put the lives of trainees at risk. He said they were being mobilised to complete work for the upcoming general election. Read more here

UNC: Rowley complicit

UNC pub­lic re­la­tions of­fi­cer Ani­ta Hayne says Prime min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has once again shown his con­tempt for the rule of law and has al­so re­vealed his stance when it comes to the pro­tec­tion of men who are in­volved in sex­u­al ha­rass­ment scan­dals. Re­spond­ing to re­ports of an al­leged cov­er up in the Dar­ryl Smith mat­ter, Haynes said, “The re­ports in the press are in­deed alarm­ing, and Dr Row­ley’s re­sponse dur­ing the post Cab­i­net me­dia con­fer­ence on Thurs­day 31st Oc­to­ber is weak and high­lights his poor lead­er­ship.” She added: “The ex­tent to which this ad­min­is­tra­tion at­tempt­ed to weaponize state re­sources against Ms More­au is shock­ing.” Haynes not­ed that the pri­ma­ry role of any Gov­ern­ment is to pro­tect its cit­i­zens, and that in­cludes en­sur­ing a safe work­ing en­vi­ron­ment. Read more here



Contractor shares guideline to your dream home

When purchasing land or building a home, people sometimes make mistakes that cost them peace of mind, time, and money. In the hopes of minimising these mistakes, Patries Ramkaran, managing director of Ramkaran Contracting Services Ltd’s The Dream Home Ambassador, hosted a seminar called Home For Me at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Westmoorings, in September. The aim of the seminar was to empower and educate people so that they could realise their dream of owning a home as soon as possible. “It’s also to provide inspiration and empowerment for people to push though and focus on their dreams despite the challenges, especially the financial ones... There is a power in visualisation and vision and I saw it work for me. I left my full time job to go into my own business. I didn’t just sit and say, ‘This is what I want to do.’ I had to put in the necessary work.” Read more here

Scotia finalising EC transfer to Republic

Scotiabank’s senior vice president Caribbean South & East Stephen Bagnarol is in St Kitts and Nevis finalising matters relating to the transfer of the bank’s operations to Republic Bank. Read more here



‘Insane’ Secrecy - Gov’t Urged To Reveal Redacted Court Ruling Dooming 2004 MOU With US

Pressure continues to mount on the Government to give greater insight into a new security deal brokered with Washington last Wednesday that replaces a landmark electronic surveillance memorandum of understanding (MOU), which has reportedly been deemed by the court to be "unsatisfactory". National Security Minister Dr Horace Chang revealed in Parliament on Tuesday that the cooperation deal collapsed because a Supreme Court ruling in 2018 found that the MOUs signed with the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada were “inadequate”. Such security arrangements are often not disclosed because of their sensitivity, but the scope, reach, and controversial nature of the new pact, which could facilitate extraditions of Jamaicans to the United States, was “very strange”, says noted attorney-at-law Michael Hylton, QC. Read more here



Trump's audacious, reelection-focused impeachment defense

Donald Trump has solved his problem over his weak impeachment defense, fusing it with an audacious reelection pitch that makes a virtue of the rule-breaking character that got him into trouble. The President is heaping pressure on Republicans to buy a factually dubious but bold message: Not only did he not abuse power in Ukraine but his conduct is that of a tough guy President beset by corrupt elites and boosting the US abroad. The narrative effectively folds Trump's apparent transgression into an extension of the effective 2016 campaign pitch that only a rule breaker can crush the power of the Washington swamp. It's a risky message from a President who's counting on his political instincts that tell him swing state voters aren't convinced by Democrats' impeachment pitch -- and one whose presidency has been dripping in allegations of corruption, self-dealing and infringing the limits of presidential power. Read more here

Millions of masks distributed to students in 'gas chamber' Delhi

Five million masks are being distributed at schools in India's capital, Delhi, after pollution made the air so toxic officials were forced to declare a public health emergency. A Supreme Court mandated panel imposed several restrictions in the city and two neighbouring states, as air quality deteriorated to "severe" levels. All construction has been halted for a week and fireworks have been banned. The city's schools have also been closed until at least next Tuesday. Delhi's Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said Delhi had been turned into a "gas chamber". Read more here

1st November 2019


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