Daily Brief - Friday 5th November, 2021


Search ends as missing woman found in grave – BURIED IN THE FOREST

The search for 27-year-old casino worker Kezia Jeneka Venicia Guerra ended in sorrow early on the Divali public holiday with police digging up her body from a four-foot deep grave in the forest, some 300 feet away from Santa Barbara Road in Maracas, St Joseph. Police said they discovered the body at about 8.20 am. The exercise was spearheaded by ACP Samaroo and included officers from the Maracas St Joseph Police Station, the Northern Division Task Force (East) and the Cyber Crimes Unit with assistance from a hiking group. Read more here

Country records second day of over 300 new COVID cases

The country recorded over 300 COVID-19 cases for the second consecutive day yesterday when the Ministry of Health confirmed 335 cases from samples collected between October 31 and November 3. It came just one day after the ministry confirmed the highest jump in cases since June 9 when it recorded 393 cases on Wednesday. The new infections make it 1,320 cases to be confirmed since Sunday. Read more here



Shell executives meet with PM

Senior executives of Shell met on Thursday with the Prime Minister at the Shell Centre in London to discuss collaboration opportunities between TT and the oil company. Also at the meeting were Energy Minister Stuart Young. The meeting came after Dr Rowley met hours earlier with BP CEO Bernard Looney at the company’s headquarters in London. Rowley is leading a government delegation in the UK where earlier this week he spoke at the World Leaders Summit at the UN Climate Change Conference, COP 26, in Glasgow, Scotland. Read more here

Deyalsingh heaps praise on healthcare workers at Couva COVID hospital

The Minister of Health, Terrence Deyalsingh, visited the Couva Medical and Multi-Training Facility yesterday, praising healthcare workers and staff for their efforts in fighting the pandemic. "Being here as your Minister of Health at this facility this morning is an honour for me. I don't consider this work. I consider this as an honour to be amongst professionals and patriots," he said in an address to staff that was shared with the media. Referring to staff from all strata of the medical team at the hospital, Minister Deyalsingh said: "These people lead the charge and Trinidad and Tobago owes each and every one of you and your colleagues a debt of gratitude." Read more here



Barita Investments: We want to be a regional player

Jamaica’s Barita Investments Limited wants to become a major financial player in the region and is prepared to do so by leveraging strategic relationships similar to the one it has been building with T&T’s indigenous bank, First Citizens. In response to questions from the Business Guardian (BG) the company said this strategy is in keeping with what it disclosed in its prospectus that accompanied two Additional Public Offerings, done in 2020 and 2021. “Barita intends to further expand its reach into the region. In the initial instance this strategy is intended to be focused on fully leveraging mutually beneficial partnerships with established players across the region. The company is open to pursuing opportunities that would see us establishing or acquiring subsidiaries domiciled in other regional territories subject to alignment of these opportunities with our risk appetite and long-term strategic objectives,” Barita told the BG. Read more here

T&T ‘at centre’ of financing talks

Trinidad and Tobago has been “at the centre” of talks at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) that focus on climate financing towards reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Planning and Development Minister Camille ­Robinson-Regis said yesterday. A statement from the ministry noted Robinson-Regis’ role at the head of T&T’s delegation to COP26, which is currently taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, and stated: “Planning and Development Minister Camille Robinson-Regis is announcing that Trinidad and Tobago has been at the centre of discussions with a number of institutions and leaders focusing among other things, on the topic of climate financing arrangements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally, but with specific focus on Small Island developing States (SIDS) such as those of the Caribbean region.” Read more here



CGX accumulates US$59M for Guyana operations

Canadian oil giant, CGX Energy Incorporated, has managed to accumulate US$59 million to further develop and expand its operations both offshore and onshore Guyana. The company, in a press statement, said that it offered to holders of its outstanding shares an aggregate of 45,151,338 common shares, with each requiring a payment of CAN$1.63. “Following the closing of the offering, CGX has 334,459,000 common shares issued and outstanding,” the company said. By the time the rights-offering exercise wrapped up on October 28, the company had raised approximately CAN$73,600,000 in gross proceeds, or the equivalent of US$59,600,000. Read more here



COP26: Emissions of rich put climate goals at risk – study

The carbon footprint of the world's richest 1% is on track to be 30 times higher than what's needed to limit global warming to 1.5C, a study says. But emissions of the poorest 50% will continue to be below climate goals. The research, carried out by two European environmental agencies, comes as world leaders meet at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. "A tiny elite appear to have a free pass to pollute," says Naftoke Dabi at Oxfam. The charity commissioned the study from the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Institute for European Environmental Policy. "Their over-sized emissions are fuelling extreme weather around the world and jeopardising the international goal of limiting global heating." Read more here


5th November 2021


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