Daily Brief - Friday December 12th, 2021


Media complain about exclusion from THA ceremonies

REPORTERS and photographers complained of exclusion from Thursday's Tobago House of Assembly (THA) swearing-in ceremonies, and of being left to perch on a roadside curb, or worse, to stand up for hours on end under the blazing sun.

Newsday understands Media Association (MATT) President Ira Mathur is looking into the matter. Read more here…

Young women’s leadership programme develops app for girls

The NiNa Young Women’s Leadership Programme has created a digital resource to support young girls coming into adulthood.

In a statement, it said the application is a daily companion journal and resource.

It was made as part of the 16 Days of Activism campaign which ends on Friday.

“The app seeks to provide resource networks, safe physical and psychological spaces, personal healing, growth and development, and aims to facilitate education for young women aging out of state care,” said the statement. Read more here…



AG: Duke must choose between THA executive and PSA

Deputy Chief Secretary Watson Duke is being told he has to choose between his new role as deputy Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) and his presidency of the Public Services Association (PSA). Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi maintains that the law doesn’t allow Duke to do both jobs and he has written to new THA Chief Secretary Farley Augustine on the matter. Read more here…

Chairman Callender resigns from PNM Tobago Council, asks other members to follow

DAYS after Monday's 14-to-one trouncing of the PNM by the fledgling PDP in the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) election, former Tobago West MP Stanford Callender on Wednesday resigned as chairman of the Tobago Island Council, as disclosed in a PNM statement from PNM PRO Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing on Thursday. Read more here…



EOG Soldado well delayed

Energy Minister Stuart Young met with Senior Executives of both BHP and EOG Resources during his trip to Houston, USA and it has been revealed that EOG’s Soldado well in its joint venture with state-owned Heritage Petroleum has been delayed to next year and that BHP is considering developing its smaller discoveries in the deep water in Le Clerc and Victoria.

Young met with BHP Executives to discuss the ongoing merger/ acquisition with Woodside as well as other ongoing projects in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean. Read more here…

Trade Ministry assures Tobago was part of hotel evaluation

The Ministry of Trade and Industry has hit back at concerns raised by newly elected Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly Farley Augustine about the development of a hotel property at Rocky Point.

Augustine, in the Thursday Business Guardian article “Farley: PNM Left us a bed of thorns” the PDP Deputy political leader questioned the Development of a First Class Hotel and Property Development at Rocky Point with what he believed “was a lack of involvement of the THA in driving the project.” Read more here…


Guyana among eight nations to benefit from US$13.6M FAO projects

(FAO) The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), on Thursday, welcomed approval from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for four FAO-led projects in eight countries, totalling more than US$13.6 million in funding. Read more here…

Jamalco disputes CCA review showing US$100 million unaccounted for

Jamalco has taken issue with a Sunday Gleaner report quoting a CCA Capital Partners financial review showing that nearly US$100 million (J$13 billion) in payments by Clarendon Alumina Production (CAP) could not be accounted for.

The payments were made over a four-year period. US$61 million was from production and capital expenditure payments to Jamalco between 2017 and last year, while US$37.5 million was from fuel oil payments to the Noble Group. Read more here…


Covid-19 patients at this hospital are dying 'at a rate we've never seen die before

(CNN)Nurse Katie Sefton never thought Covid-19 could get this bad -- and certainly not this late in the pandemic.

"I was really hoping that we'd (all) get vaccinated and things would be back to normal," said Sefton, an assistant manager at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan.

But this week Michigan had more patients hospitalized for Covid-19 than ever before. Covid-19 hospitalizations jumped 88% in the past month, according to the Michigan Health & Hospital Association. Read more here…

Russia Ukraine: Putin compares Donbas war zone to genocide

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been hardening his rhetoric over the situation in Ukraine, saying the war in the country's east looks like genocide.

Russian-backed rebels have been fighting Ukrainian troops there since 2014, and tensions have been growing as Russia amasses troops on the border.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden discussed recent talks with Mr Putin in a call to his Ukrainian counterpart. Read more here…



10th December 2021


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