Daily Brief - Monday 9th September, 2024


2 killed in separate incidents on September 6 in Morvant

Two men were killed in separate incidents in Morvant on September 6. Dead are 25-year-old Josiah Reid and 39-year-old Quacy Emmanuel. Police said around 7 am, Reid was shot by two men along Second Caledonia Road. The gunmen then fled in a while Toyota Aqua car. Reid, a factory worker, was rushed to the Port of Spain General Hospital but was later pronounced dead. Police found two live rounds of ammunition and 13 spent shells. They said this killing was likely to have been gang-related. Read more here

Suspect in court today charged with murders of siblings

A 33-year-old man has been charged with the murder of 16-year-old Shenelle and her brother Keston Singh. He is expected to appear virtually before a High Court Master today. Villagers said the siblings and suspect were “friends.” However, on September 4 they were brutally hacked to death while reportedly at the suspect’s home in Naggee Road, New Grant, Princes Town. Based on information from the police and villagers, the cutlass attack was sudden and unprovoked. Read more here



Moonilal hits Government over 8 large vessels down for repairs – No guards for Trinidad and Tobago's coasts

By Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Air Vice Marshall Darryl Daniel publicly acknowledging that the eight larger vessels of the Coast Guard being currently non-functional, Opposition MP and UNC shadow security minister Dr Roodal Moonilal accused Daniel of sending a direct message to criminals: "we have nothing in the sea right now." Speaking at the UNC's weekly Sunday press briefing, the Oropouche East MP said, “The chief of defence staff told the international community of criminals that we have no seaworthy vessel now.” Read more here

Sinanan: Ministry to crackdown on heavy trucks

The Ministry of Works and Transport will crackdown on heavy trucks using unauthorised roads. This announcement was made by Works and Transport Minister Senator Rohan Sinanan when he spoke with Guardian Media on Saturday night following a cultural show for delegates of a three-day Hindi Conference at the NCIC Nagar, Chaguanas. Sinanan said that even though many roads have signs about the weight limitations for vehicles, drivers simply ignore the signs and proceed on these roadways causing damage to the infrastructure. Sinanan said, “There is an existing law, any existing heavy vehicle has to be licenced and you have to go to the transport board and they give you specific routes to travel on. Unfortunately a lot of these restricted vehicles try to take short cuts and so on and they go on roads that are not designed. It’s a matter of enforcement, the law exists and it’s a matter of enforcement which we will be stepping up upon.” Read more here



External factors causing higher local food prices

Food prices have fluctuated over the years and many factors contributed to this. Almost two weeks ago, on August 26, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar told the UNC’s (United National Congress) Monday Night Forum that a basket of 11 basic food items had increased by 73 per cent between 2015 and 2024. Holding up a list, Persad-Bissessar said: Read more here

Heritage records $1.48b profit

Heritage Petroleum has reported a profit of $1.48 billion for the year ended September 30, 2023, marking a 33% increase compared to the same period in 2022. This increase in profit was achieved despite a $1.06 billion drop in revenue from contracts with customers. According to its audited financial statements, Heritage reported a decline in crude oil sales by $702 million, bringing the total to $8.6 billion. Read more here



RCGC promotes inclusivity among children through its annual literacy project

In celebration of International Literacy Day (ILD), the Rotaract Club of Georgetown Central (RCGC) through its International Service Committee, hosted the 10th edition of its annual Literacy Project, R.E.A.D, (Read Everyday And Discover) under the theme, ‘Pages of Potential.’ Speaking briefly, President of the RCGC, Monique Williams, told the gathering that the Rotaract Club is proud to continue this annual tradition. The project caters specifically to children living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in keeping with Rotary International’s goal of promoting inclusion. RCGC collaborated with three key organisations for this project: Sameir! Uniquely Me, the David Rose Autism Unit, and The Gifted Hands Learning Centre. China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Guyana Limited sponsored the project this year. Read more here



The hospital struggling to save its starving babies

“This is like doomsday for me. I feel so much grief. Can you imagine what I’ve gone through watching my children dying?” says Amina. She’s lost six children. None of them lived past the age of three and another is now battling for her life. Seven-month-old Bibi Hajira is the size of a newborn. Suffering from severe acute malnutrition, she occupies half a bed at a ward in Jalalabad regional hospital in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province. “My children are dying because of poverty. All I can feed them is dry bread, and water that I warm up by keeping it out under the sun,” Amina says, nearly shouting in anguish. Read more here


9th September 2024


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