Daily Brief - Thursday 31st October, 2019


Probing body claims cover up in Darryl Smith case

Cov­er up! That is one of the ma­jor find­ings of the re­port of a com­mit­tee set up by Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley to in­ves­ti­gate the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the dis­missal and pay­ment of $150,000 to a for­mer em­ploy­ee of the Min­istry of Sport and Youth Af­fairs, af­ter she al­leged that she was sex­u­al­ly ha­rassed by the for­mer min­is­ter Dar­ryl Smith. Read more here…

Red House named among 30 new heritage sites

The soon to be re­opened Red House is among 30 her­itage sites to be list­ed by the Na­tion­al Trust.

Chair­man of the Na­tion­al Trust Mar­garet Mc­Dowall re­vealed the names of the new sites dur­ing a cer­e­mo­ny at Bri­arend House, al­so known as Au­drey Jef­fers’ house in St. Clair, yes­ter­day. The venue it­self is among on the sites to be list­ed. Read more here…




Angostura posts $116.8m profit

Angostura continues on a growth path with 14 per cent increase in profit before tax of $116.8 million for the nine-month period, ending September 30. It’s after tax profit was $80.9 million. Read more here…

Brooks: Boards have to drive local growth

With TT and the region averaging a GDP rate of under two per cent, corporate and state company boards must drive local growth, former National Gas Co Ltd (NGC) chairman Gerry Brooks said yesterday. Read more here…



Khan vows to meet with petroleum dealers

Af­ter one week of voic­ing their dis­sat­is­fac­tion with the state of the in­dus­try, En­er­gy Min­is­ter Franklin Khan has agreed to meet with the Pe­tro­le­um Deal­ers As­so­ci­a­tion (PDA) with­in two to three weeks.

Speak­ing on CNC3’s The Morn­ing Brew yes­ter­day, Khan said there will be a meet­ing. “I promised them I will meet with them, they just have to give me by next week and I’ll for­mer­ly com­mu­ni­cate with them in that re­gard,” Khan said. Read more here…

Take the money for Venezuelans, Charles tells Govt

THE Government should apply for a grant from a fund of hundreds of millions of dollars soon to be offered by the European Union (EU) for countries hosting Venezuelan migrants, Naparima MP Rodney Charles told Newsday on Wednesday. Read more here…



Sharma Solomon recommits to PNCR

Maintaining his mantra of ‘service to the people,’ Sharma Solomon, the former chairman of Region 10, said he intends to play his part in the growth and development of Guyana as he recommitted to the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNC/R) and, by extension, the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Government. Read more here…



Trump impeachment: House to vote on how inquiry should proceed

The resolution to be voted on sets out a more public phase of the process and is not a ballot on whether or not to impeach the president. The measure also sets out the rights Mr Trump's lawyers would have. This will be the first formal test of support for the inquiry in the Democratic-controlled House. Read more here…

Pentagon releases first images from raid that killed ISIS leader

The Pentagon released newly declassified video and images Wednesday of the daring, two hour raid targeting ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi that shows US forces taking small arms fire from multiple locations as their helicopters approached the compound. Read more here…

31st October 2019


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