Daily Brief - Tuesday 8th September, 2020


Doctor: Let's put to rest 'lack of oxygen' fears about masks

Epidemiologist Dr Avery Hinds has stressed there is no risk of lack of oxygen or inhaling too much carbon dioxide from wearing masks. He was speaking on Monday during the virtual covid19 media conference and was asked about concerns that continuous mask-wearing could have deleterious effects from insufficient oxygen intake and breathing in carbon dioxide. Read more here

Stakeholder suggests contingency plan for Nabarima

There’s been no word from the Energy Ministry on its verification of the damaged oil tanker FSO Nabarima in the Gulf of Paria - but an energy sector stakeholder has advised that booms could be placed around the vessel to prevent oil spread in the event of a spill. That advice came yesterday from Tiger Tanks (Trinidad) general manager Denis Latiff. Tiger Tanks is among Energy Ministry stakeholders and the company is among responders to issues like spills. Read more here



National Patriotism Month moves online

Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts Randall Mitchell has announced that this year's National Patriotism Month will take on a new dimension as an online campaign with the primary objective of educating, entertaining and engaging audiences. The observance, which runs from late August to September 24 (Republic Day), is themed Celebrating Diversity. In a release issued on Saturday the ministry said the events of 2020 have reiterated a need to revert to those core values, events, and achievements that stimulate patriotic pride in TT. The online campaign is intended to remind citizens and even the global diaspora of the never-ending “Trinbagonian love.” Read more here

Stakeholders see tough budget decisions for Imbert

“I do not envy the task that befalls the Minister of Finance.” This was the comment made by former energy minister Kevin Ramnarine on his Facebook page yesterday, as he lamented the difficulty facing Finance Minister Colm Imbert ahead of the 2021 National Budget at the House of Representatives on October 5. Read more here



EHL’s profits decline by 83 per cent

Endeavour Holdings Ltd (EHL) has experienced an 83 per cent decline in its profits for the year ended April 30, 2020—sliding from $38 million to $6.4 million. The company’s core business is in the lease and rental of properties. EHL’s revenue from contracts with customers fell by 5 per cent as it moved from $93 million to $88.4 million. The notes to the financial statements revealed that the company reported the biggest drop in it’s shopping mall segment. The income in this segment fell from $38.7 million to $33.9 million, which represented a 12.3 per cent decline. Read more here

CAL assists region in Covid-19 fight

State-owned Caribbean Airlines (CAL) has joined the fight against the spread of Covid-19 on a regional scale. Read more here



$20B in pockets of Guyanese
After re-prioritising and re-programming fiscal measures, the new People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government has managed to add $20 billion in relief to the “pockets” of Guyanese, at a time when the nation is faced with the effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the recently-concluded protracted electoral process. The conduits of relief include revised tax measures and sweeping incentives, which were announced by President, Dr Irfaan Ali, during a press briefing on Monday. Read more here

Holness Announces New COVID Curfew, Another Death And 80 New Cases

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has announced new measures aimed at further  containing the spread of the coronavirus. The measures coincide with another death Monday that pushed the tally to 34. The deceased is an 83-year old woman from Manchester. Meanwhile, there have been 80 new cases, bringing the overall case count to 3,183 with 2,096 them active. Read more here



How Biden is pressing a two-front war against Trump

Joe Biden has described himself as a "bridge" between the Democrats' current and future generations of leaders. But he may also be a bridge between its present and future on the electoral map. Exactly eight weeks before Election Day, Biden has strong opportunities to recapture states that President Donald Trump won in 2016 both in the Rust Belt and the Sun Belt. But public and private polls consistently show that Biden is running slightly better in the former group of battlegrounds -- centered on Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin -- than the latter, which include North Carolina, Florida and Arizona. Read more here

Belarus protests: Kolesnikova 'resists expulsion' on Ukraine border

A day after a Belarus opposition leader was seen being bundled into a van by masked men, she has been involved in dramatic scenes at the border. State media say Maria Kolesnikova was detained while trying to cross into Ukraine in the early hours of Tuesday. But Ukrainian reports say she tore up her passport to prevent expulsion as two colleagues were forced to leave. She is one of three women who joined forces to challenge President Alexander Lukashenko in August's election. Mass protests erupted after election authorities awarded Mr Lukashenko victory amid allegations of vote-rigging. The latest events on the border with Ukraine come after a fourth weekend of anti-government demonstrations. Authorities said more than 600 people were arrested on Sunday. The EU has demanded the release of all political prisoners and says it is planning to impose sanctions. Read more here 

8th September 2020


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