Daily Brief - Wednesday 20th May, 2021


UWI criminologist: Give police bigger budget, more manpower

Recognising the evolving role of the police in society, criminologist and mediator Dr Wendell Wallace says there are several shortfalls in the current structure of the police service and recommends a larger budget and increased manpower to overcome these challenges. In his opening remarks at an online symposium on the role of the police, hosted by the Caribbean Centre for Human Rights (CCHR) on Wednesday, Wallace said the role of law enforcement has changed over the years from traditional policing to a more community-based approach. Read more here

Nigeria wants just energy transition

Nigeria’s vice president Professor Yemi Osinbajo for what he called a just energy transition for developing countries and energy producers like T&T. Speaking yesterday at Columbia University’s Global Energy summit the Nigerian Vice President insisted that a just energy transition for developing economies is central to the right to sustainable development and poverty eradication which he noted is enshrined in global treaties including the Paris agreement. He raised the spectre of several European countries and development finance institutions banning further investments in fossil fuels. Read more here



MSJ slams Government, Opposition on covid19

The Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) on Wednesday condemned the Government and the Opposition for their respective approaches to the covid19 pandemic. In a statement, MSJ leader David Abdulah said the party has stayed out of any public debate on the pandemic until now, "not out of any particular confidence in the political leadership of the country, but rather out of respect for our health care professionals who have very competently led us thus far through the pandemic." Read more here

Deyalsingh warns against sale of antigen rapid tests

The Health Ministry is probing pharmacies selling COVID-19 antigen rapid tests and will bring the necessary charges to bear. During yesterday’s COVID-19 media briefing, Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh was asked about a pharmacy selling antigen rapid tests for $225. The sales were advertised on social media platforms. Deyalsingh said the penalty for such sales is a fine of several hundred thousand dollars plus six months’ jail. “We’re taking this very seriously,” he said. He added it wasn’t true Government was running out of test kits. Read more here



On World Bee Day, Tobago Apicultural Society wants to expand the industry

Did you know that 75 per cent of the world’s food crops and 90 per cent of wild flowering plants are dependent on the process of pollination for survival? So pollinators like bees play a crucial role in ensuring food security and maintaining healthy ecosystems. But the UN estimates that close to 35 per cent of pollinators likes bees and butterflies face extinction globally. As it seeks to raise awareness for the important role that bees play as pollinators, and the threats they face, the UN has designated May 20 as World Bee Day. Read more here

The Day of Reckoning is not too far off

As the last two weeks have passed and the number of positive COVID-19 cases increased significantly and sadly with it the deaths of nationals, people appear to be surprised by what is happening. Often, the daily question after the numbers are released, is how did this happen? Well, this happened because this is T&T. Of course, it is easy to blame the Prime Minister for encouraging people to go to Tobago in their thousands, but still tell them to behave themselves, as a parent would tell a child. But to blame Dr Keith Rowley is to refuse to accept that, as a people, we have not shown the character to do the hard things and the disciplined things. Read more here



Guyana tops Caribbean at 2020 CAPE, CSEC exams

Following months of anxiety and anticipation, Guyana is officially the country that has topped the Caribbean at the 2020 sitting of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exam and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, confirmed on Wednesday. The minister provided this information at the announcement of the results which was held at the National Centre of Educational Resources Development (NCERD). According to the minister, the announcement came directly from the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), the primary body responsible for examinations among CARICOM countries. Read more here

Jealous Hanover man reportedly sets girlfriend on fire

A jealous boyfriend in Great River, Hanover, is on the run after allegedly dousing a woman with gasolene and setting her afire yesterday, much to the horror of bystanders. Read more here



Republicans defy Trump to back Capitol riot probe

The Democratic-controlled US House of Representatives has voted, with Republican support, for a commission to investigate the Capitol riot. Thirty-five Republicans defied their party leaders and former President Donald Trump in siding with Democrats by 252-175 to establish the inquiry. Mr Trump had urged Republicans to vote against the "Democrat trap". The bill looks unlikely to pass the upper chamber. Top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell called it "slanted". The inquiry would be modelled on the commission that investigated the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. Read more here

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict could trigger a third Covid-19 wave in Gaza. Some say it's already here.

Rasha Abu Askar tested positive for Covid-19 less than two weeks ago. So too did her husband, Musa Abu Askar, leaving the couple unable to look after their four young children, a situation that many parents around the world have dreaded during the pandemic. But this couple live in Gaza and their problems are bigger than childcare arrangements. Two days after they sent their children to their grandparents' apartment -- which is conveniently in the same building as theirs -- the worst violence in years erupted on their doorstep between Israel's powerful military and Palestinian militant group Hamas, armed with rockets and mortars. Read more here

20th May 2021


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