Daily Brief - Wednesday 22nd December, 2021


Smooth flow on Tuesday at PoS vaxx sites

There was a constant flow for booster shots and vaccinations at vaccine sites in Port of Spain on Tuesday. Newsday visited the drive-through vaccine site at the Hasely Crawford Stadium and the Paddock at the Queen's Park Savannah. North West regional health officials said there has been a constant flow for the Pfizer booster shot, mainly among the elderly population. Read more here

Felicity farmers hit hard by thieves

Small crop farmers in Facility, among them cassava farmers, say they are frustrated by the constant attacks and theft of their crops by thieves. Two weeks ago, the farmers said they were constantly being attacked by bandits who pulled guns on them and actually beat them and their workers mercilessly. They were forced to watch helplessly as the thieves moved out with their crops of cassava, hot peppers, eddoes, tomatoes etc. Speaking with Guardian Media at their farmlands on Monday, the farmers said they were fed up shedding tears over their losses which ranged from $20,000 to $50,000. Read more here



Trade unions to meet Wednesday with AG

Heads of several trade unions who represent the interests of the more than 90,000-strong public service have agreed to meet with Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi to discuss Government's intention to have all public servants vaccinated against the covid19 virus or be sent home without pay. The meeting has been set for Wednesday afternoon. Before this meeting, heads of trade unions under the Joint Trade Union Movement (Jtum) had vowed to gather outside the Office of the Prime Minister on Wednesday,to voice their opposition to the vaccination move Dr Rowley  announced on Saturday. Read more here



Confederation of Regional Business Chambers 'not in trouble'

Co-ordinator of the Confederation of Regional Business Chambers (CRBC) Jai Leladharsingh does not believe the body is in danger after several of its members dropped out. In a statement, he said the purpose of the formation of the body was to give smaller chambers to speak with one voice on matters that affect the business community and to sensitise the national community on the importance of the small and medium-enterprise sector as well as family-based businesses. Leladharsingh said, “The confederation has participated in government forums and budgetary consultations. We have a very good working relationship with the Minister of Trade and the Attorney General. In addition, the confederation enjoys a great collaboration with the joint chambers.” Read more here



$612M in year-end tax-free bonuses for healthcare workers

Before the dawn of Christmas Day, 9,200 public sector healthcare workers will benefit from a one-off tax-free bonus valued at two weeks’ worth of their salaries. The official announcement was made on Tuesday afternoon by President Dr. Irfaan Ali, and according to the Ministry of Finance, the overall pay-out will total $612 million and will commence before the end of this week. Dr. Ali, in a broadcast message posted on his official Facebook page, extended his appreciation to the men and women who have been on the frontlines of the crucial fight against the deadly coronavirus and all of its emerging variants. Read more here



Israel begins fourth Covid-19 dose vaccine rollout for people 60 and over as Omicron cases surge

Israel is to begin rolling out a fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine with immediate effect for people ages 60 and over, medical workers and people with suppressed immune systems, the Prime Minister's Office announced Tuesday, following a recommendation from the country's panel of coronavirus experts. Those eligible for the fourth dose can receive it provided at least four months have passed since the third dose, it said. In Israel, almost all vaccinated citizens have received the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Read more here

22nd December 2021


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