Daily Brief - Wednesday 6th March, 2019


Monkeys and macaw rescued

Police have rescued two squirrel monkeys and a macaw from captivity in Moruga on Monday. The protected animals were being advertised for sale by a businessman in Grand Chemin. According to a police report, at about 10 am, police and game wardens, acting on information, stopped the driver of a van along Moruga Road in St Mary’s. Police searched the van and found the protected animals in cages. Read more here

THA team to promote tourism in Germany

To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly Chief Sec­re­tary Kelvin Charles and Sec­re­tary for Tourism, Cul­ture and Trans­porta­tion Na­dine Stew­art-Phillips left for Ger­many yes­ter­day to at­tend the In­ter­na­tionale Touris­mus-Borse (ITB) in Berlin, Ger­many. Charles and Stew­art-Phillips will lead the team to the tourism con­fer­ence, along­side To­ba­go Tourism Agency CEO Louis Lewis and oth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the Di­vi­sion of Tourism, Cul­ture and Trans­porta­tion and the To­ba­go Tourism Agency Ltd. Read more here



Tourism Trinidad fetes over 500 visitors

Tourism Trinidad’s Car­ni­val booth, which was lo­cat­ed in the North Park at the Car­ni­val Vil­lage, Queen's Park Sa­van­nah, Port-of-Spain, was buzzing with ac­tiv­i­ty as over 500 for­eign­ers from as close as Grena­da to as far as Ger­many came here to en­joy T&T Car­ni­val. The booth, which was set up on Feb­ru­ary 25 and ran un­til March 2 (Car­ni­val Sat­ur­day), wel­comed tourists and en­gaged them in his­to­ry lessons on Trinidad’s sites, at­trac­tions, cul­ture, mu­sic and fes­ti­vals. Vis­i­tors al­so played ac­tiv­i­ties like Spin-The-Wheel, which af­ford­ed prizes such as lo­cal­ly-made pep­per sauce and oth­er nov­el­ty items em­bla­zoned with the #visit­trinidad lo­go. Read more here

Five Islands still paying $3,400 rent

It has been 18 months since the Opening of Five Islands Amusement Park in Chaguaramas, Trinidad has been opened to the public and yet it is still paying a monthly rent of $3,400 to the Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA). Read more here



Lawmakers, Lawbreakers! - Legislators Referred To DPP For Breaches

Over three calendar years, starting in 2014, 16 current and former lawmakers from the two main political parties were reported to the nation’s top prosecutor for failing to declare income, assets and liabilities within the required time, reports from the chief corruption watchdog have revealed. According to the documents, obtained by The Gleaner, former members of parliament (MPs) as well as senators were reported to the director of public prosecutions (DPP) between 2014 and 2016 for ignoring the Integrity Commission’s request for additional information to guide its perusal of their statutory declarations. Read more here



North Korea rebuilding Sohae rocket launch site, say observers

New satellite images of North Korea suggest it is restoring a rocket launch site it had pledged to dismantle, say analysts. The images were taken two days after talks between the leaders of the US and North Korea ended without them reaching a deal on denuclearisation. The Tongchang-ri site has been used for satellite launches and engine testing, never for ballistic missile launches. Work to dismantle it began last year but stopped as the US talks stalled. The pledge to dismantle it had been seen as a confidence-building measure between Pyongyang and Washington. Read more here

Trump launches political war of survival

Donald Trump's entire life story of fighting and surviving, of cheating personal and professional ruin over and over, has delivered him to his greatest battle yet -- the one to save his presidency. Trump is facing down a swarm of investigations from multiple congressional committees, a special counsel, state and federal prosecutors, and private litigants. His entire life is under scrutiny. But the fight back has begun. If there is any President who could bear such strain, who would perhaps relish the struggle, prosper amid its cacophony and be willing to cross all sorts of conventional lines to stay alive, it would surely be Trump. Read more here

6th March 2019


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