Daily Brief - Wednesday 7th August, 2019


Griffith seeks judiciary support to take down criminals

Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith on Tuesday called on the Ju­di­cia­ry to play its role in the fight against crime, as pub­lic pres­sure mounts on his charges to catch re­peat of­fend­ers and en­sure they re­main be­hind bars. Grif­fith’s state­ment came hours af­ter the con­tro­ver­sial Bail (Amend­ment) Act be­came law, giv­ing po­lice part of the le­gal frame­work they need to lock away known firearm of­fend­ers for up to four months at a time. Read more here…

Penal family living in fear

Five days af­ter a mys­te­ri­ous shoot­er killed pen­sion­er Har­ri­lal Ja­groop and crit­i­cal­ly wound­ed his daugh­ter, a Pe­nal fam­i­ly con­tin­ues to live in fear. The killer left Ja­groop’s one-year-old child cry­ing in the blood-spat­tered house be­fore es­cap­ing. How­ev­er, video footage gath­ered from the scene has giv­en po­lice clues as to the iden­ti­ty of the killer. Read more here…



Khan meets new NGC chairman Enill

Energy Minister Franklin Khan has met with new National Gas Company (NGC) chairman Conrad Enill. A former energy minister and minister in the ministry of finance in the Patrick Manning administration, Enill replaced Gerry Brooks as NGC chairman. Brooks resigned from this post on June 30. Read more here...

AG: Legislation will allow for a 'cooling off’ period

The an­tic­i­pat­ed Bail (Amend­ment) Act has gone in­to full force. The leg­is­la­tion be­came law on Mon­day af­ter it was ap­proved by the Of­fice of the Pres­i­dent, At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Faris Al-Rawi con­firmed yes­ter­day. The con­tro­ver­sial leg­is­la­tion be­came law hours be­fore Cedric “Burkie” Burke, of Sea Lots man was tak­en in­to cus­tody for a sec­ond time in a month. Read more here…



How much longer will CBTT control CLICO

The Central Bank Act, at section 44D, gives the Central Bank the power “to assume control of and carry on the affairs” of financial institutions under its remit, where the Bank is of the opinion: a. that the interests of depositors, creditors, policyholders or members of an institution are threatened; b. that an institution is likely to become unable to meet its obligations or is about to suspend or has suspended payment; or c. that an institution is not maintaining high standards of financial probity or sound business practices. Read more here…

Damus goes e-commerce

Damus Roofing Systems, a local manufacturer and supplier of roofing and building materials, has launched an e-commerce website, which it dubs the first of its kind in the region. The company hopes that the new platform will assist it in growing exports beyond its local and regional markets. The e-commerce website, www.mydamus.com, was launched on Monday. Read more here…



Jamaica57 (Part Four): Money ... The Root Of The Currency

In recognition of Independence Day, The Gleaner presents #Jamaica57. Part four of our four-part series, takes a quick look at the roots of the Jamaican currency: Like many cultures, the first Jamaicans, the Taino Indians, used the barter system trading commodities for other commodities. Although there was some gold on the island, the Tainos used it for decorative purposes. When the Spanish arrived in the 1490s and began to trade with the Tainos, they tended to use glass beads and other trinkets. Read more here…

Guyana to ‘light-up’ CARIFESTA XIV

The Guyanese contingent of 100-strong is currently working on refining its group performance to wow the crowd at the ‘Guyana Night’ showcase which will be held on August 18, as part of CARIFESTA XIV. The 14th edition of the biennial Caribbean Festival of Arts (CARIFESTA) will be held in Trinidad and Tobago this year. There, Caribbean countries will congregate in the Twin Island Republic to showcase their diverse cultures. Read more here…



President Trump to visit mass shooting sites amid criticism

The attacks in Dayton and El Paso left 31 people dead. President Trump spoke out on racism and hatred following the shootings but has been accused of stoking the same sentiments he sought to condemn. The Democratic congresswoman who represents El Paso said she would not meet him, urging him to understand that his words "have consequences" Read more here….

Afghan violence: Scores injured in attack amid US-Taliban talks

The explosion sent a large cloud of smoke into the sky and most of those wounded were civilians. The Taliban have claimed the blast, which comes amid peace talks between them and US. Both sides say there has been progress in the negotiations, which aim to bring a nearly 18-year war to an end. Read more here…


7th August 2019


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