Daily Brief - Tuesday 14th December, 2021


Business chambers urge: Shop early this Xmas

The San Fernando and Chaguanas business chambers are calling on customers to shop early this Christmas, as freight and customs issues have caused businesses to limit the range and amount of goods they can supply. Chaguanas Chamber of Industry and Commerce president Richie Sookhai said, “We know that Trinidad and Tobago citizens are last-minute buyers when it comes to Christmas, and a lot of people are looking forward to see whatever extra earnings they could be awarded for the season, and we are hoping for that surge on that last week of Christmas.” Read more here

Probe launched as T&T detects first case of Omicron variant

T&T has become the second Caribbean country to detect a case of the Omicron variant of concern. The infected person was a returning female national who travelled from New York via Panama on December 9. The discovery prompted the Government to launch an investigation into the circumstances surrounding its importation. However, the Minister of National Security assures local authorities weren’t at fault. Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh announced yesterday that the University of the West Indies’ genetic sequencing team detected the variant of concern. However, he described the circumstances under which the woman entered as “very very disturbing.” Read more here



Al-Rawi: Finance Bill will root out financial trickery

Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi says the introduction of the Finance (No.2) Bill would deal specifically with fraudulent investments and financial transactions and separate them from legitimate systems of finance. The bill imposes a criminal penalty of $10 million and ten years imprisonment plus an administrative fine of up to $5 million for anyone who operates a prohibited scheme, including Ponzi and pyramid schemes. During his contribution on a debate in the Lower House on Monday, Al-Rawi said Clause Three would amend the Proceeds of Crime Act and Clause 13 would amend the Securities Act. Read more here



TCL hikes cement price by 15 per cent

Trinidad Cement Ltd (TCL) yesterday morning announced an ex-factory increase of approximately 15 per cent in the price of the commodity. The price increase becomes effective on December 20, which is next week Monday. In a message to its “valued clients,” TCL said: “We have been absorbing rising input costs for a long time and are now unable to continue to maintain our prices. Read more here



$755M being sought for urgent drainage works

AS part of its $21.4 billion supplementary budget, the Government of Guyana is requesting some $755 million to implement urgent drainage and irrigation interventions nationwide. The requested funds are merely a component of government’s efforts to tackle the rainy season in a more proactive manner. Already, above normal rainfall has resulted in more than 5,000 households being affected across 46 communities. The country’s previous rainy season already took a massive toll on the country and its people, resulting in unprecedented floods which saw waters surpassing 15 feet in some areas. Read more here



Belarus: Opposition leader Tikhanovsky jailed for 18 years over protests

A Belarusian opposition leader who rallied mass protests against disputed leader Alexander Lukashenko has been jailed for 18 years. Sergei Tikhanovsky was convicted of organising riots among other charges following a trial condemned as a sham. He planned to challenge Mr Lukashenko in the 2020 presidential election, but was detained before the vote. His wife, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, took on Mr Lukashenko, who claimed victory in the widely discredited poll. She claimed victory herself in the August election but, fearing for her safety, was forced into exile with her children the next day. Read more here


14th December 2021


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