Daily Brief - Tuesday 2nd July, 2024


Tobago home-owners unfazed by property damage, thankful for life

Despite damage to a few properties, people in Tobago are thanking God for spared lives after the passage of Hurricane Beryl on July 1. Delaford resident Cletus John had minor damage to his Bay Road property after a tree fell on it after strong winds swept across the island. He said: “I was here, and shortly after 8 am I realised that the winds started to pick up. I went out and I realised that the breadfruit tree started leaning towards the house. I came back inside and was about to lie down then I heard the 'bram.' “I expected more damage to the roof, but then when I came out I only saw the trees against the edge of the roof and the guttering had been damaged. A few of the galvanise sheets would have to change and the guttering will have to do over, but for me, it was no major damage.” Read more here

Marina director upset over archaic system for yachties

Power Boats Marina director Sian Aboud is not happy that this country is still making yachties from other countries fill out forms and is not using a modern maritime notification system. On Sunday, over 100 yachties fleeing Hurricane Beryl made their way to Trinidad to seek shelter as the weather system headed towards the Windward Islands as an extremely dangerous Category 4 storm. Read more here



UNC supports Government – Bail Bill passed with all MPs saying 'aye'

In a rare scene, the Opposition supported the Government on the amendment to the Bail Bill, which was laid and passed unanimously during the sitting of the House of Representatives on July 1. All 38 MPs present voted "aye" in favour of the bill. Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar expressed her intention to support the bill during her contribution to debate. She said the Opposition’s support was in the public’s interest. “This is not a garbage bill. This is a bill which remedies some of the defects in the law which, because of the Akili Charles judgement, does give us a balance of proportionality, so we are prepared to support it. This has to do with the public interest of the people of TT,” she said. Read more here

PM: It will help police put pressure on criminals

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley believes the Bail Bill will put a major dent in the rap sheet of those committing the most violent of crimes. He also believes it will send a strong message to criminals that parliamentarians are doing their part to ensure they can no longer terrorise law-abiding citizens. While making his contributions in support of the Bail Amendment (2024) Bill in Parliament yesterday, Dr Rowley stressed the importance of assisting the police in putting pressure on those criminals. He said, “While the leader of the Opposition made a big point in saying, ‘Why are we coming with it again and again?’ It is because we genuinely believe that this bill will assist the police to at least put a bit of pressure on those who have chosen crime as a way of life in this country. The police are the ones who ask the parliamentarians to put this measure in place to deal, not with every citizen, but with a small number of people who are literally terrorising the population.  “The purpose is to prevent people from using the goodwill of the population to terrorise the population. Because the criminals know exactly what the law permits and what it doesn’t permit, they know the logistics of applying the law to them, and they have no regard for the discomfort that they’re causing for the wider national population.” Read more here



AFETT elects new board

The Association of Female Executives of Trinidad and Tobago (AFETT) has elected its board of directors for the 2024-2026 term. The newly elected board was installed on June 20, following the association's annual general meeting (AGM). Speaking at the AGM, newly appointed president Simone Francois-Whittier expressed her optimism for the future. "I extend my heartfelt thanks to our past presidents for their unwavering commitment and foresight which has been instrumental in establishing AFETT as a cornerstone among civil society organisations in TT and a leading female-focused NGO. I am thrilled about the journey ahead with our new board. With a team of outstanding women leaders, I am confident that we will harness our collective expertise and leadership to drive AFETT's strategic goals forward and further our mission in the coming years," she said. Read more here

Business groups praise Govt for storm messaging

While the Government has been praised for its efforts in putting measures in place to mitigate the effects of Hurricane Beryl, more could have been done regarding communication and preparatory work. This from Baldath Maharaj, president, Chaguanas Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CCIC), as well as the Fyzabad Chamber of Commerce. Based on constant communication with members, the Fyzabad Chamber of Commerce told Guardian Media yesterday it was pleased with the Government’s approach in its advisories and updates. However, it said preparation for this kind of activity “is much to be desired.” Read more here



Hurricane Beryl: Guyana mobilising support mission to help battered islands

As several Caribbean countries brace themselves for the impact of Hurricane Beryl and others begin to assess the damage it has left behind, Guyana’s President and Chairman of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Dr. Irfaan Ali, has called for the mobilisation of the necessary assistance and relief efforts. In a statement released on Monday, Dr. Ali made a passionate plea for regional unity and a wholistic approach to the destructive Category 4 hurricane. Read more here



Palestinians flee Khan Younis as Israeli forces strike south Gaza

Palestinians have been fleeing districts to the east of Gaza’s second city of Khan Younis after Israel issued evacuation orders. Overnight and into the morning, witnesses reported multiple Israeli strikes in and around Khan Younis. A medical source and the Palestinian Red Crescent said eight people had been killed and more than 30 wounded. Patients and medical staff have also been leaving the European Gaza hospital in the area, as the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza told them to evacuate. The Israeli military has not itself issued an evacuation order for the hospital. The Red Cross is reported to have helped patients in the process of transferring to another hospital. Read more here

2nd July 2024


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