Daily Brief

Daily Brief - Monday 29th April, 2019

Understanding the motivation behind acquiring an illegal gun, particularly in high-violence communities, is one of the first steps in addressing gun violence in those communities. This is the view of criminal psychologist and criminologist Renée Cummings, responding to questions about the country’s murder toll. Read more

29th April 2019

Daily Brief - Friday 26th April, 2019

Two flagship projects started under the former People's Partnership government could be opened in September. These are the Couva Adult and Children's Hospital and the University of the West Indies (UWI) South Campus in Debe. UWI St Augustine campus principal Prof Brian Copeland expressed optimism about both projects after a... Read more

26th April 2019

Daily Brief - Thursday 25th April, 2019

Cana­di­an-born To­ba­go-bred singer/song­writer, Caleb Hart sobriquet Brave­hart, the founder and lead vo­cal­ist of North-Amer­i­can roots reg­gae band Tas­man Jude is set to grace the stage at the Tobago Jazz Experience 2019. Hart, who described himself as a natural born performer since he was a young boy growing up in Tobago... Read more

25th April 2019

Daily Brief - Wednesday 24th April, 2019

Former Petrotrin workers who come out to the Oilfield Workers Trade Union’s (OWTU) march on May Day, will receive favourable consideration from the union when it acquires Paria refinery in Pointe-a-Pierre from the Government. An e-mail from OWTU general secretary Richard Lee urged that all union members come out in... Read more

24th April 2019

Daily Brief - Tuesday 23rd April, 2019

“We can waste time cursing the darkness or we can light a candle” So says, Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) political leader Ashworth Jack as he responded to the recent controversial statements about Tobagonians made by Maha Sabha general secretary Sat Maharaj. Read more

23rd April 2019

Daily Brief - Thursday 18th April, 2019

To­day marked the fifth day that res­i­dents of Ma­haica in Point Fortin have been cop­ing with thick smoke em­a­nat­ing from a huge bush fire. How­ev­er, they were giv­en a small “Bligh”. Read more here… Read more

18th April 2019

Daily Brief - Tuesday 16th April, 2019

A mur­der­ous and no­to­ri­ous Venezue­lan gang has in­fil­trat­ed Trinidad and To­ba­go’s bor­ders and many of them are now part of the crim­i­nal land­scape that has in­ten­si­fied this coun­try’s vi­o­lence over the last few months. Read more here… Read more

16th April 2019

Daily Brief - Monday 15th April, 2019

Harsh dry weath­er con­di­tions are trig­ger­ing an in­crease in the red palm mite which has dev­as­tat­ed 80 per cent of co­conut es­tates in T&T. Read more

15th April 2019

Daily Brief - Friday 12th April, 2019

THE Senate on Thursday night passed the Non-Profit Organisations Bill 2019. The bill was passed with amendments by a vote of 24 in favour and six opposed. The 24 senators voting for the bill comprised all 15 government senators and the nine independent senators. Read more

12th April 2019

Daily Brief - Thursday 11th April, 2019

Na­tion­al Car­ni­val Com­mis­sion chair­man Win­ston "Gyp­sy" Pe­ters said a sug­ges­tion he made while he served as cul­ture min­is­ter the Peo­ple's Part­ner­ship gov­ern­ment to re­cruit Tri­ni-born US rap­per Nic­ki Mi­naj to sell T&T's Car­ni­val was shut down be­cause she curs­es too much. Read more here… Read more

11th April 2019

Daily Brief - Wednesday 10th April, 2019

Mar­vin Bas­combe, Nicole Stephens, Amoy Black­ette, Ker­ry-Ann Alexan­der, Moni­fa David, Van­da O’Neil and Liz Fran­cis ap­peared be­fore Mag­is­trate Maris­sa Gomez in the Port-of-Spain Mag­is­trate’s Court. Read more here… Read more

10th April 2019

Daily Brief - Tuesday 9th April, 2019

The mathematics paper of the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) was doable, however, admittedly it was challenging; especially with the time frame allocated to complete the paper. This was the consensus received from a focus group of young people whom Guardian Media asked to complete the paper on Monday. Read more

9th April 2019

Daily Brief - Friday 5th April, 2019

A mar­ket ven­dor who was held with 81 birds in Ce­dros has been slapped with $24,500 in fines. Akash Ram­per­sad, 23, of Pe­tit Bourg has to pay the fines with­in three months oth­er­wise he could go to prison. Read more here… Read more

5th April 2019

Daily Brief - Thursday 4th April, 2019

The new au­to­mat­ed park­ing sys­tem at the Pi­ar­co In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port is down two days af­ter be­ing launched. Park-In com­pris­es mul­ti­ple elec­tron­ic kiosks around the air­port to fa­cil­i­tate au­to­mat­ed pay­ment trans­ac­tions for park­ing at the air­port. The sys­tem was launched on Mon­day, how­ev­er, on Tues­day night four of the five kiosks... Read more

4th April 2019

Daily Brief - Wednesday 3rd April, 2019

Franka Costelloe is the new president of the TT Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA). She replaces Christopher Alcazar, who served for the last two years. Costelloe is a director of several major boards and organisations, including her family’s company, Lifetime Roofing Ltd, a manufacturer, distributor and contractor that specialises in metal and... Read more

3rd April 2019

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