Daily Brief

Daily Brief - Tuesday 28th March, 2023

Despite a significant drop in profits for the financial year ending December 31 2022, Ansa Mc Al Group of companies is expressing an optimistic outlook on its future endeavours. The group shared its financial position on Monday at TATIL Building in Port of Spain. Read more

28th March 2023

Daily Brief - Monday 27th March, 2023

If Government cannot fix three burning issues — paying outstanding value-added tax (VAT) refunds; the ease of doing business; and ensuring an equitable distribution of foreign exchange — then any other proposals in its budget would fall barren. There would be nothing for the people. Read more

27th March 2023

Daily Brief - Friday 24th March, 2023

Attorneys for Maritime Life (Caribbean) Ltd and the Central Bank are expected to hold discussions on the lifting of an injunction which prevented the sale of the traditional insurance portfolios (TIPS) of Colonial Life Insurance Company (CLICO) and British-American Insurance Company (Trinidad) Ltd (BAT). Read more

24th March 2023

Daily Brief - Thursday 23rd March, 2023

Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association president Alpha Lorde believes there is a disconnect in the service being provided by Caribbean Airlines Ltd (CAL) and the demand of consumers. Lorde spoke with Newsday on Wednesday, a day after a CAL press release which gave an update on the airline’s operations on... Read more

23rd March 2023

Daily Brief - Wednesday 22nd March, 2023

Secretary of Tourism, Culture, Antiquities and Transportation Tashia Burris has strongly condemned a fight which took place on Monday between two reef boat operators in the Buccoo Marine Park, Tobago. In a one-minute video posted on Facebook, the men were seen fighting and shouting expletives at each other, in front... Read more

22nd March 2023

Daily Brief - Tuesday 21st March, 2023

Scrap Iron Dealers Association president Allan Ferguson has reiterated the association's call for a meeting with Government to ensure that the domestic scrap iron industry is properly re-opened. He made the call directly to the Prime Minister at a news conference at Signature Hall, Chaguanas on Monday. Read more

21st March 2023

Daily Brief - Monday 20th March, 2023

As the country prepares to host the fifth session of the Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM) for Caricom States high-level forum next week, the Ministry of Planning and Development’s Environmental Policy and Planning Division’s (EPPD) is progressing with its mangrove rehabilitation project. Read more

20th March 2023

Daily Brief - Friday 17th March, 2023

Police from the Multi Agency Task Force say they are prepared to aggressively tackle cases of illegal quarrying and have partnered with other units to root out corrupt elements from state agencies. Earlier this year, head of the Northern Division Snr Supt Kerwin Francis revealed that officials from state agencies... Read more

17th March 2023

Daily Brief - Wednesday 15th March, 2023

TT Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA) president Martin Lum Kin has urged teachers to be on the alert for symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) in schools after Education Minister Nyan Gadsby-Dolly confirmed cases in North and South Trinidad for this term. Read more

15th March 2023

Daily Brief - Tuesday 14th March, 2023

Missing Romanian tourist Fanel Crirstel, 46, has been found in Trinidad. This was confirmed by Sgt Joseph Jordan on Monday. Jordan told Newsday: “I didn’t get anything officially. I just know he was found and he was okay. Read more

14th March 2023

Daily Brief - Monday 13th March, 2023

A 56-year-old man is dead and another man wounded after a shooting incident in Morvant on Saturday afternoon. The dead man has been identified as Curtis “Choko” Charles, of Picton Road, Lady Young, Morvant. Police said at about 4.15 pm on Saturday, Charles was in the garage area in the... Read more

13th March 2023

Daily Brief - Friday 10th March, 2023

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) director Dr Jarbas Barbosa has warned against complacency over covid19, pointing out that the pandemic is still going on. He said there have been more than 1.5 million cases and 17,000 deaths in the Americas over the last month. Read more

10th March 2023

Daily Brief- Thursday 9th March, 2023

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Roger Gaspard, SC, says he is concerned and worried that it appears in TT, there are "deep problems" in bringing people accused of white-collar crimes to justice. His comment on Wednesday, came after public criciticms over his decision on Monday to end corruption charges against... Read more

9th March 2023

Daily Brief - Wednesday 8th March, 2023

Scotiabank boasted of a $684 million profit for the 2022 fiscal year ending in October, at its annual general meeting held at the Hyatt Regency in Port of Spain. Chairman Derek Hudson, while addressing stakeholders, said the after-tax profit represented a 13 per cent increase when compared to the bank’s... Read more

8th March 2023

Daily Brief - Tuesday 7th March, 2023

Former People's Partnership (PP) government minister Devant Maharaj and Naparima MP Rodney Charles on Monday raised questions about allegations of human trafficking against the Opposition UNC and the Government, respectively. In a statement, Maharaj questioned recent comments by Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar that she was unaware of a report he... Read more

7th March 2023

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